Rey Fund
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The Rey Fund honors them memory of Margret and H.A. Rey, author and illustrator of the world famous Curious George books. The Rey’s summered in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, location of the first community trail network in the United States. They were active members of the local trail club, the Waterville Valley Athletic and Improvement Association (WVAIA, established 1888) , and H.A. Rey designed the logo for the WVAIA. The Rey Fund currently supports Pan Amercian Trails international fellowships, emphasizing environmental education and interpretation.
Margret and H.A. Rey’s own travels and adventures are chronicled in the Journey that Saved Curious George by Louise Borden: their escape from Paris on bicycles as Nazi tanks rolled in, travel through Europe to Brazil, and eventually ending up in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA. Pan Amercian Trails/WTN Americas is lucky to receive support from the Rey literary executor—but we need your donation so we can offer more fellowships for students and professionals from across the Americas.
2023 International Trails Fellows
Araceli Gonzáles, Paraguay

Araceli Gonzáles, a professional environmental educator from Paraguay, was one of two 2024 International Trail Fellows who spent two months in the White Mountains National Forest at the White Mountain Field School. Aracel also participated as a student in the White Mountain Field School semester college course. Her final project included leading all students in group project to redesign educational signage on the Falling Waters Trail, part of the Franconia Ridge Loop.

Cesar Aspiazu, Bolovia

Cesar Aspiazu, a doctoral student at the University of Brasilia, was a teaching assistant for the White Mountain Field School semester course and Franconia Ridge Summit Steward.

Chalk Talks
Nat Scrimshaw, Pan American Trails/WTN Americas Chair, volunteers his time to recreate the experience of Hans Rey’s “chalk talk” interactive drawing sessions for both children and adults, mostly in children’s hospitals. Nat grew up with the Rey’s as his neighbors in Waterville Valley and was inspired to draw by Hans.

To Learn more about the Margret and H.A, Rey and their life journey that led them to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, see the documentary, Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George’s Creators —trailer below.