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World Trails Network – Hub for the Americas (WTN Americas) is a nonprofit exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It also does as business as Pan American Trails.
You can also write a check to World Trails Network – Hub for the Americas and send it to:
WTN Americas
PO Box 2153
Campton, NH 03223
2024 projects you can donate to
While we appreciate your unrestricted donation that allows us to to put funds where they are needed most, we also have projects you can contribute to directly.
Franconia Ridge Loop Partnership, NH State Parks sections
Pan Amercian Trails/WTN Americas is part of the Partnership to Restore Franconia Ridge Loop, a four year project to restore Franconia Ridge loop sections of the Old Bridle Path, Falling Waters Trail, Franconia Ridge Trail and the Greenleaf Trail. Our focus is on raising funds for the New Hampshire State Parks sections of these trails. Learn more
White Mountain Summit Stewards
Paid Summit Stewards are trained to manage trails in the White Mountain alpine zone, combining trail restoration, trail maintenance, and information and education. They also assist with environmental monitoring and research. Summit Stewards currently work on Franconia Ridge, complementing AMC’s volunteer Alpine Stewards the AMC’s trail adopter, who is responsible for basic maintenance. Learn more
International Fellowships (Rey Fund)
The Rey Fund honors them Memory of Margret and H.A. Rey, authors and illustrator of the world famous Curious George books. For 2024, the Rey Fund currently supports the Pan Amercian Trails international fellowships, emphasizing environmental education and interpretation.
Connect with other Pan American Trails and their projects
Trails connect... people to projects
Trails connect people to projects they may want to support across the Americas. This could be connecting people regionally and locally, or across the continent. Often after a Pan American Trails volunteer expedition, participants want to donate to the trail they have worked on or a related community project. We provide a way for you to do this. To find out more, please contact us using the form to right.
Trails connect...
forests and habitats
For example, the Sendero Pacífico in Costa Rica passes through deforested areas. Reforestation along the trail corridor connects critical habitat in the Bellbird Biological Corridor. Donations from expedition participants over years have paid for fencing parts of the trail corridor so that cattle don’t trample the trail corridor, allowing for natural reforestation.

Above: Araceli Gonzáles leading the first Paraguayan Woman’s Trails Camp that included 35 women from 5 indigenous communities and 2 rural communities.
WTN Americas/Pan American Trails also supports its members organizations and their projects. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us.