Pan American Trails
World Trails Network – Hub for the Americas
Pan American Trails envisions a continuous trail network from Alaska to Patagonia, connecting human communities and protected areas. We see trails as essential to healthy living and sustainable, resilient communities. Trails connect ecosystems, help restore the landscape, and protect biodiversity. Through collaboration, cooperation, and coordination between organizations, governments and individuals, we connect trails across the continent. We believe by working together towards this end we strengthen the bond between people and nature, foster economic and social equity, and contribute to peace in the Americas. -
Paraguayan Network
Red de Conservación Voluntaria de Amazonas
Sendero Pacífico
Costa Rica
Caminho Dos Veadeiros
Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (CONAP)
The network
The Pan American Trails network is made up of long trails and national trails systems across the Americas, including the islands of the Caribbean. Representatives from trail organizations, government agencies, universities and other NGOs form a steering committee that along with the board of directors governs Pan Amercian Trails. We work closely with the World Trails Network (WTN), and are WTN’s “hub” for the Americas. Individuals can also join the network and participate in field schools and hiking expeditions.

What we do
Field Schools
We facilitate international field schools at sites across the Americas, providing opportunities for trails-related capacity-building, education, research and professional development.

We offer fellowships to graduate students and professionals, allowing emerging trail leaders to work and study at important trail sites and with trail organizations across the Americas.

We assist trails organizations in developing itineraries for expeditions to trails across the Americas. Expeditions are designed for people of all ages and abilities.

And through partnership we realize trail projects and programs
Partnership to Restore the Franconia Ridge Loop wins honor award

The Partnership to Restore the Franconia Ridge Loop received the U.S. Forest Service’s Region 9 Honor Award for Re-imagining Recreation by Engaging New & Diverse Audiences to Expand Social and Economic Benefits for the Public. WTN Americans/Pan Amercian Trails was recognized along with the Pemigewasset Ranger District (White Mountain National Forest), New Hampshire State Parks , and the Appalachian Mountain Club